Manually clone your repo using TortoiseHG.The alternate key uses the same regname and regappend semantics of the primary. (default: None) regkeyalt An alternate Windows registry key to try if the first key is not found. Mercurial will search for this key first under HKEYCURRENTUSER and then under HKEYLOCALMACHINE.
I’m not really sure if this step is really mandatory, but do it just in case: Administration Migrating from Mercurial to Git Push aborts because someone else got there first Getting Started with Hg on Windows Using ssh repositories. Windows registry key which describes install location of this tool. Enjoy your newly-secure SSH authentication. Ssh=”C:\PATH_TO_TORTOISE_HG_INSTALL_ROOT\TortoisePlink.exe” -batch -i “C:\PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_CREATED_WITH_PUTTYGEN.ppk” Follow steps 2 & 3 above: connect to the remote host, save its key, and edit your Mercurial.ini file. Mercurial is configured to use Puttys plink.exe as its ssh command in Mercurial.ini, together with a private key for SSH authentication. We use Hudson for continous integration, and have deployed it on Tomcat, running on a Windows 2003 Server using the Local System account. Well be using the public depot at for our examples. We are using Mercurial over SSH for our development. Create a user Mercurial settings file on C:\Documents and Settings\CI_USER\Mercurial.ini (Look here for references) Since Mercurial and Git have fairly similar models for representing versions.
Install TortoiseHG on the Jenkins Machine. Save the private key without a passphrase. Copy the Public-key and add it as a Deployment keys on your Repository settings on BitBucket. Download putty zip so that you can create a SSH key.
To do so, a docker container based on popular and lightweight jdeathe/centos-ssh image will be used.
Here is a proof of concept to use a Docker container as a separate environment where self-host your code using basic mercurial features without bells and whistles. Setting up SSH access to my Bitbucket Mercurial repository on Windows took a bit longer than I would have liked. Set the TomCat process to execute with the CI_USER By now Atlassian is dropping support to Mercurial on the popular Bitbucket service.Create a Windows User for executing the TomCat (Lets reference it as CI_USER, but you can name it as you like).This is just the list of steps that I’ve made to get a Windows build machine execute a Jenkins Job (running inside TomCat) clone a Mercurial repository hosted on BitBucket with SSH authentication.